May 19, 2004

how appropriate

When I stopped in this evening wondering what kind of dent a tall decaf iced nonfat no-whip mocha and a tall decaf soy no-whip mocha would make in my wallet, I had to take a picture of this.


Anonymous said...

It's interesting how everyone is talking about gas prices going up -- I filled up the explorer this morning and it was $31. Yet I think nothing of going to Starbucks and paying $3+ for a frappucinno. What would a gallon of starbucks cost us? And is the cost worth it? Sometimes just getting out of the office and having that drink is a huge stress reliever.

Anonymous said...

ok well that was my comment - but I forgot to put my name on it. Sorry :)

Anonymous said...

ARGHHHHHHH Maybe I need a starbucks RIGHT now. The name -- going here --> Lacy

Patrick said...

What would a gallon of Starbucks cost??

I'm glad you asked!