This afternoon, my brother turns 30, which means for a scant twelve hours or so, I'm actually five years older than him. Welcome to the thirties, John. You've definitely earned your three decades with lots of hard work, love (or is that "luv"?) and encouragement. I'm proud that you're my brother, Michelle's my sister-in-law and Reganne's my niece.
Oh, by the way, it's my birthday too. :-)
Happy birthday to you too. It is a great ice breaker to throw out birthday trivia when meeting new people. Dad asked what it meant to be thirty. My reply, "That means you're really old". -- John
Happy 30th John and 35th Patrick.
"Men grow old, pearls grow yellow, there is no cure for it. -Chinese proverb."
That's my "pearl" of wisdom for this event :-P
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