November 28, 2006

giving thanks

We traveled to Boise last Wednesday to celebrate Thanksgiving with Patrick's brother and his family which includes Reganne the magical wonder-niece. They moved to Idaho a few months ago so John could take a job with Micron. Patrick's parents arrived earlier in the week, and Allison arrived about an hour before we did. (Her hubby Dave had to work.)

John and Michelle put on a great feast Thanksgiving day, including a turkey cooked in the smoker - yummy! Patrick spent some time the day after Thanksgiving putting together the grill John and Michelle got on sale that morning. Reganne supervised and asked lots of questions.

We went to the Idaho Botanical Garden where they had wonderful holiday light display. Two-year-old Reganne led the seven adults through the gardens. IBG is located on land that belongs to the state of Idaho and used to be a penitentiary. We told Reganne it was the big time-out place.

We bundled up on Saturday morning and went to downtown Boise for the annual holiday parade. Boise has a charming downtown area, and there was an outdoor craft market where I bought some ladybug earrings. I love the cold weather and the fact that the people there don't complain about it!

During Reganne's nap on Saturday, someone came to get John and Michelle's old couch, and the new one wasn't coming until Monday, so we set up the air mattress in the living room. Reganne thought this was extremely fun.

The weekend was a wonderful, unhurried time. We had a great visit with family and got to spend lots of fun time with Reganne. We read many of the same books over and over to her, and Patrick and I can now quote many of them. Reganne just gets more fun all the time, and we love her so much. We think she's pretty darn close to perfect.

Here are our pictures:

Dad's pictures

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your pictures of Miss Reganne. She is growing so fast and keeps everyone on their toes. We are looking forward to her visit at Christmas. Grandma Dianne