December 19, 2006

total non-access

First, our local Blockbuster stores didn't participate in the End of Late Fees program. Now, they're not doing the Total Access promotion. There's not a participating store as far as their site will let me search. How does this make sense for their customers?

The only upside is that Blockbuster has seen the problem and chosen to upgrade us for free from 3-out to 4-out on our NetFlix-style subscription. The email we got would lead you to believe that this would start on 12/15... but it actually starts on our first billing cycle after 12/15... which is unfortunately enough, 1/15.

Ah well, customers can't be choosers. Oh wait...


Christina said...

Grrr.... Dave told me last night that he was ready to sign up this week- now this!

Christina said...

Still perturbed over this...we've been discussing this all weekend because we are about to choose between BB and Netflix.

Even if the local store gets no revenue from having to service the Total Access program, doesn't it bring additional traffic into their store to rent additional movies on impulse and buy used ones? Why would you want to hurt your parent company when you are already facing stiff competition (Netflix, downloads, etc.)for the future of your business?

I guess to get the upgrade you received we will have to call/email and threaten to sign up with Netflix instead....