December 22, 2017

Christmas Cards

I decided at the last minute (for me) to send out some cards. I wanted to make sure the far-flung relatives who aren't on social media knew they were in our thoughts, and I wanted them to enjoy some fun pictures of Adam. I had this dream of having a professional picture taken that would be like so many of the cards we receive, but between school, work, chronic illness, and all three of us having pneumonia, it didn't happen. Anyway, I had the cards printed, Patrick picked them up from Costco, and both of my guys stuffed the envelopes. (We're all about teamwork here.)

I'm always a little conflicted about sending out Christmas cards because I don't want to give the impression that everything is awesome for us and that we somehow have it together. I feel like our cards should have a disclaimer that says, "These happy pictures don't necessarily represent the reality of daily life." The fact is no one's Christmas cards, Instagram, or Facebook posts represent real life. We all struggle. We're all just doing the best we can. I'm saying this to remind myself and sharing because maybe someone else is opening a stack of beautiful cards and feeling like he or she doesn't measure up. You aren't alone. Hang in there.

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