I can't believe that we actually forgot to blog about this. Thanks to the Cooks, we are the proud new owners of a FlushMate-powered toilet.
Our previous master bathroom toilet was the base model, "what you get with the house" item, and never seemed to be able to... uh... "perform its duties" when instructed to do so the first time. Mama and Daddy had had FlushMates installed in their bathrooms and raved about them. We went over for a "test drive" and were impressed. When they offered to give us one for Christmas, we replied, "well... you know for sure that it's a gift that we'll use." And, rather than make us wait (for Christmas,) they were kind enough to have it installed in July. I asked for one with airbrushed flames, but unfortunately, that's not a standard option. We settled for white with an elongated bowl.
It has changed our lives. We have permanently put away the plunger. The five-second NASCAR-speed "recovery time" after a flush brings new meaning to "making a pit stop." It's amazing how much stress is relieved when you know you can be relieved without stress.
The one caveat to the FlushMate is that it sounds like a toilet on a 737. There is a strong urge to yell "Geronimo!!!!" right before flushing or "Whaaaaaa!" right afterwards (but I don't know who would do something like that.)
I can't believe I'm going to admit this in public, but our master bath toliet is on the blink right now and is out of service way too frequently. Obviously, we NEED this product. We'll be in touch soon to discuss....
I'm flush with excitement. My eyes are beginning to water. I'm so glad that you finally took the plunge. It sounds like your new potty has bowled you over. Good thing, too. The old one pretty much tanked.
I'm soooo proud!!! My family has indoor plumbing at last.
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