7:50:00 a.m. | Arrive at Minute Clinic |
8:00:00 a.m. | Minute Clinic opens |
8:00:20 | forms filled out |
8:01:00 a.m. | the Physician's assistant sees me |
8:03:00 a.m. | completed temperature, blood pressure (127/78, thank you), ears and throat examination |
8:03:30 a.m. | exchange upcoming Christmas stories |
8:04:00 a.m. | prescription printed, BCBST billed |
Minute Clinic really does live up to its name, and it fills a great gap between a primary care physician and an emergency room - when you need care quick, but not emergently. The PA was efficient and professional, and didn't challenge any of my self-diagnosis. When I get a sinus infection, I know what I have, and I know what I need. When she handed my prescription to me, she said "you can have this filled at any pharmacy that you like." Of course, there's one 10 feet away.
I highly recommend the Minute Clinic concept... and I hope some other folks get on the bandwagon soon to up the competition and drive down prices!
"I know what I have and I know what I need"?
Sinus infections are one of the most over-diagnosed infections in medicine and result in needless antibiotic prescriptions. Sure, when a cold lasts more than a few days and you feel clogged and headachy all you want is quick relief from your misery. But, truthfully, most self-diagnosed sinus infections are just colds running their natural course and a few more days of rest, fluids, humidified air and, maybe, some multi-symptom over-the-counter sinus remedies will do the trick.
I'm all for patients and doctors being partners in health care, but a patient who "knows what I have and knows what I need" really needs a medical degree and not a doctor.
Thanks, Patrick for the review.
I know what I have and what I need 1-2 times a year also. Obviously "famdoc" doesn't have a job or small childrent to take care for, if he can take a few days off to rest when he/she gets a sinus infection.
I don't like to take a lot of prescriptions, so I usually wait until my symptoms are full blown to make sure it's not a cold. But when my head is about to explode, I am too dizzy to drive, and my body aches so bad I cry when I walk, it's time to seek an antibiotic.
Last year I had to wait over an hour in the doctor's waiting room while my toddler was touching every germ in sight and I was about to pass out. I cried the whole time I was in so much pain. This year I will be opting for the minute clinic also!
I'm the last one to opt for the doctor route since, for us, it's not a $20 copay, but a full-blown $250 bill whenever the doctor says "good morning". You have to love these new HSA's. They let you pay ALL the bill yourself! Anyway...
I had a nasty case of pneumonia a few years ago. In fact, the doc said that I should have been in the hospital. So when my cold turned into the same exact set of symptoms as what started the pneumonia, I also "knew what I had and I knew what I needed". Sorry, famdoc. Let someone else risk their life hoping that another day of bedrest and humidifier treatment makes the sickness goes away. You've obviously not had pneumonia.
Went to the Redi-Clinic (same as the minitclinic concept) and, yes, I had bronchitis and walking penumonia. And no, it wouldn't have gone away w/o antibiotics.
I'm not one to advocate self-diagnosis for everything, but the level of information for an informed consumer is much greater than it was just a few years ago, and the treatment options are greater than the old method of waiting in the waiting room to see the family doctor ("family doctor" Ha! what's that).
I think I sense the gatekeepers of the old system getting nervous.
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