December 4, 2003

tonal memory

Psallite unigenito
Christo Dei filio,
Psallite redemptori Domino,
puerolu iaconti in praesepio.

Ein kleines Kindelein liegt in dem Krippelein.
Alle lieben Engelein dienen dem Kindelein und singen ihm fein:
Isn't it amazing when a song just appears in your head that you haven't thought of in nineteen years... and you can quote almost every word? I was just walking up a set of stairs the other day and this little German/Latin ditty popped into my head. I don't know if it was the pace of my climbing that matched the tempo of the song, or if I heard some kind of descending fourth - ascending fourth pattern that triggered it, but this little Praetorius piece that I sang in high school came back to haunt me. Interestingly appropriate for this time of year too...
Sing your psalms to Christ,
the begotten Son of God,
sing your psalms to the Redeemer,
to the Lord, the little Child
lying in a manger bed.
A small Child lies in the manger.
All the blessed angels fall before Him
and sing.

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